Welcome to Heritage Valley Pentecostal Assembly!

We are pleased to announce that on October 6, 2024 at 10:30 AM, Heritage Valley Pentecostal Assembly will be holding our first service in a lovely church called The Multicultural Christian Church of Edmonton, located at 4415 36 Ave. NW.  You can click on this link to view our announcement presented to our congregation.  

Heritage Valley Pentecostal Assembly is a place to explore and experience the love found in Christ.  If you're not sure you believe in God at all, you're welcome here.  If you've been following God your entire life or if you're new to faith, we hope you'll grow here.

No matter where you are on the road to faith, we are here to walk alongside you as you go.  Our wish is that on your journey, you'll discover a God who is loving, active and causing you to flourish in all that you do.


Join us at 10:30 AM Sundays in-person at The Multicultural Christian Church.  Our services also appear live on our website at www.heritagevalleyassembly.com on our YouTube channel (you can use this link: Heritage Plus)  and appear in recorded form on our Facebook page (you can use this link:  Facebookfor those unable to view the live stream service.

Join us after the service for fellowship, coffee and cookies!

Scent Free and Phone Courtesy  
We want to thank each of you for continuing to respect others during our onsite Sunday worship experience, particularly by refraining from wearing perfumes or colognes for those who are allergic to such scents. As well, thank you for turning your cell phones to vibrate and/or silent mode during our gatherings and being attentive to the presence of the Lord. Of course, being responsive to urgent/emergencies is understandable. These courtesies are so deeply appreciated and add enormously to our corporate worship experiences.

If you have any questions, please contact Janice J. at heritageva@gmail.com or call/text 780 699 6315.

We love you all!
Pastor Larry


PRAYER ON-LINE EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 7PM ON on our website at www.heritagevalleyassembly.com on our YouTube channel (you can use this link: Heritage Plus)   Or on Facebook  (you can use this link:  Facebook)


Directions to Heritage Valley Assembly Click on this link to be redirected to the Sermon Page.



Worship Service
Join us Sundays at 10:30AM- IN-PERSON and ONLINE!
The Heritage Prayer
Join us on-line every Wednesday evening at 7:00PM for a half hour of prayer and giving thanks to our wonderful Lord.
11525 23 Ave NW Edmonton, AB Canada
Emergency Preparedness Initiative

First Aid Certification Training Opportunity

Are you someone who wants to step in and help someone when you see a need?

Our Emergency Preparedness Committee is wanting to ensure we have First Aid Certified individuals onsite for Sundays and other ministry occasions. 

Our committee has been able to discover individuals in our congregation who are already First Aid Certified, but if more people have it then we'll have a safer church and safer Edmonton.

If you are interested or know of someone who may desire to be equipped in First Aid, please contact Pastor Philip. This training will be covered by the church.


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