Greetings my precious friends. We are so grateful for another week of God's blessings, care and compassion. Yet we also look forward to a new upcoming week of loving God and others.
1. Moving Forward in God and Others
As we mentioned on Sunday, July 14 in our Information Meeting and in our Pastoral Hello on July 19, we would bring brief updates regarding our church's transition from Taylor Seminary to another facility. So in keeping with our ongoing news, allow me to share a few initiatives taken this past week in our "Moving Forward in God and Others" process:
    1. Assignments Continue.
The following members of our Future and HR/Logistics Committees continue to carry out their assignments in scouting and researching various possible facility options.
- Existing Church Space - Pastor Larry Lindoff, Pastor Bob Gal, Pastor Philip Nadurak, and Colleen Lindoff.
- Business and Commercial Space - Dianne DeJong and Marilyn Balehowsky.
- School and Community Space - Harold and Janet Eldridge
- Roamer at Large/Community Leagues Space - Jeff Johnsson
- Hotel Space for  Bridging or Short Term Rental Purposes Only - Donna Baker
2. Prayer Support
We ask you to please pray for God's direction and His will be done in this important matter. Indeed may the Lord assist us to settle into a space that will serve our present needs but allow us the opportunity to grow His Kingdom.
3. Taylor Seminary Departure 
Our departure date from Taylor Seminary is September 30, 2024 (our last Sunday will be September 29th) and our committees are working hard researching all options. So we can then make an informed decision. Indeed, as we move forward we are asking the Lord for favour and wisdom as we do HIS WILL!
2. Community Care Ministry
As we have shared the last two Sundays, we are encouraging any who would like to do so, to assist in donating a variety of personal and household goods to Student Pastor Joshua Faminoff's sister, Stephanie, her husband Christopher and two children. Sadly, this young family lost much of their earthly possessions in an apartment fire and water damage. We have asked them to supply a Needs List to assist them in the short-term before any possible insurance claims may kick in. We are thankful to the many within our congregation who indicated their sincere desire to reach out in a practical way to extend Christ's love. Lastly, as we receive donations over the next few weeks, Colleen Lindoff and the Ladies Ministry Team will be assessing what is being donated and alerting us of any deficiencies or overlaps in the Needs List and communicating with us accordingly. Thank you again and God bless you.
As Stephanie wrote, "Honestly anything helps us a lot during this time. Through God, we will rebuild our lives. Thank you very much!" 

Christopher (father) - size xL or 40 mens pants, size 11.5 shoes 

Stephanie (mother) - size S/M or 7/9 pants, size 7 shoes,

Elliot (8 year old) - size 3 boys shoe, size 8-10 clothes

Rebecca (6.5 year old) - size 2 girls shoes, size 7/8 clothes 

A Bible

Kitchen things 


Bedding (blankets, sheets, etc)

School supplies (lunch kits, backpacks, etc)

Winter gear, warm weather wear 


Activities for the children (books, puzzles, board games, art supplies, etc)

3. Prayer Needs

Thank you again everyone for continuing to pray for the needs of others.

Praise Report - Doug P is doing very well since surgery and returning to a normal daily routine in his life

Prayer Requests

-    Praying for better weather conditions to stop wildfires in the Jasper National Park, areas in Alberta and BC and throughout Canada.

-   Protection for all first responders and help for those forced to evacuate their homes and those who have lost homes and properties. May God provide for them and give them grace and blessing through this ordeal

-   Praying specifically for the town of Jasper and the devastation there. 

-   INEZ H - is in hospital. She is having health challenges. Pray for strength and a clear mind.

-   MARY L - is experiencing health issues. She may require surgery or treatment. Pray for her body and comfort and peace at this time.

-   Unspoken requests for others who have some serious health issues.   

-   KIRA B - Leanne B's daughter. She is waiting for a kidney transplant. She also needs her adenoids removed. Pray for peace during this overwhelming process.     

-   Prayer for an individual for victory over a spiritual battle they are going through

-   Prayer for an individual who wants victory over sin in their life.

-   FLORENCE has a hole in her retina. She is going in for surgery July 17 for that and for cataracts at the same time. 

-  ELAINE, a friend of Jen K. has had surgeries on her tongue. She has cancer. Pray for a complete healing.

-  CHERYL, a cousin of Doug P.  for an aggressive cancer, praying for a miracle of healing (Update small miracles but continued prayers for treatments).

-   JOYCE B. - comfort to her and the family as Gunther has recently passed away and health challenges for Joyce.

-   JULIA  - a friend of Jen K. who continues to walk through very difficult health issues which includes the rebuilding of her red and white cells.

-   JOLEE - Healing from some health problems and that she can find a good family doctor.

-   LILY R.- 3 year old granddaughter of Marlene & Gary, is receiving biweekly enzyme infusions for her diagnosis of Batten Disease. Prayers appreciated for her overall health and wellbeing. 

-   MARGARET S. – continued strength after the virus she suffered with.

-   BARB M. - Macular Degeneration

-   RUTH P.- Continual touch in her body.

-   PHIL B. - Praise the Lord, he is healing from shingles and is doing much better.   

-   JAN F. – Continued prayer for better sleep and energy recovery. Also for Glen - healing of his MS.  

-   FAMILIES who have family members struggling with addictions.

4. Sunday, July 28, 2024

We welcome you to join us this coming Sunday as we worship in song, prayer and the Word. Chaplain Brian Bigam will be sharing Part 4 of our summer series entitled "Loving God the Holy Spirit", followed by a time of refreshments and goodies. We hope to see you in person. If you can't join onsite, please join online.   

God bless you, Pastor Larry